Seven cartoon characters ringing hand bells.
Drums and hand percussion instruments

Music Ministries

Handbell Choir

This handbell choir is for beginners and experienced ringers. We'll have fun together and learn the art of bell ringing. You do not need to be able to read music. If you'd like to have some fun and possibly learn a new skill, how about joining our handbell choir? We are an intergenerational group and welcome anyone in 5th grade and up. Contact the office for more details at The handbell choir goes on hiatus during the summer months.


See our Drum Circle Facebook Page for upcoming dates!

(5:30-6:30 pm.) Anyone of any age or ability (family-friendly) is welcome to come to enjoy the drum circle. As you would expect by our name, we sit in a circle and drum. You may bring your drum/hand percussion, and there will be instruments to try. More instruments will be coming soon. You may be surprised by how it makes you feel. United Faith and North Christian churches sponsor this event. There is no religious content, but bring your spiritual self!

Music Lessons: Children and Adults

Piano and singing lessons are available! Contact Alin Cass if you are interested. By phone at 260-750-8993 or email at